Factors that have affected on the relevance and impact of a Industrial
Engineering Program in Colombia
- Magazine: Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Magazine
- Article Summary: The continuous improvement, self-assessment and accreditation of undergraduate program has been developing in the institutions of higher education in response to the need of impact on society through the satisfaction to the requirements and challenges of the environment. Therefore, this article proposes the identification of factors that address the relevance and impact of a programme from the perspective provided by an entity of national accreditation (CNA) and international (ABET) for the purpose of verifying the existing equivalence between the elements that each one evaluates.
- Article URL: Click here
An optimization aproach for employee scheduling in a Colombian bread
- Magazine: Semilleros
- Article Summary: This study was conducted at a point of a company bakery and Colombian bakery, which presented a problem with worker scheduling since the current does not consider variations in attendance client from Monday to Thursday, Friday and Saturday and Sunday. Therefore the problematic situation was described by an optimization model subject to some cost and number of employees needed for each position restrictions. The problem was solved using Excel Solver tool sheds as results from Monday to Thursday it is necessary to have 3 waiters, 5 domiciliary, 1 cook, 3 auxiliary kitchen, 2 cashiers, one senior supervisor, 1 baker and 1 person in care to the client; meanwhile on Friday and Saturday must be 4 waiters 7 domiciliary, 2 cooks, 2
auxiliary kitchen, 2 cashiers, 1 senior supervisor, 2 bakers and 1 person in customer service; while on Sunday are required 5 waiters ,7 domiciliary, 4 cooks, 2 auxiliary kitchen, 2 cashiers, 1 senior supervisor, 2 bakers and 2 people in customer service. To sum up, thanks to optimization model proposed company manages to improve customer service because it has the number of staff indicated for also all week, this program implemented can reduce their payroll by 10,47%.
- Article URL: Click here